Therapist Blog

Houston Therapists

8 Signs of Trauma Identified by a Therapist

What is trauma? And, what does it look like? Trauma can be one of the most difficult psychological events to overcome for an individual. It could happen when someone experiences any specific event that was profoundly distressful and upsetting. Unlike popular belief, trauma does not automatically lead a person to develop post-traumatic stress disorders and […]

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Couples Therapy in Houston

Common Misconceptions About Marital Therapy

A wife approaches her husband about couples’ therapy, a fight ensues because the husband gets defensive about their relationship. A husband approaches his wife about the same thing, the wife gets happy because she thinks that a therapist can “fix” her husband. Both of these scenarios are quite typical of the clients we see at […]

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Anxiety Center of Houston

Signs of Anxiety in Children

If you have school-aged children, you have probably heard a thing or two about childhood anxieties in school and how rampant it has become amongst children as young as preschool-aged kids. According to the expert at our anxiety treatment center in Houston, knowing these signs early on will allow families to access the right resources […]

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Grief and Depression Counseling

Grief and Depression Counseling After Suicide

The recent splash of media coverage on the topic of suicide with reports of the deaths of famous clothing designer Kate Spade and world-renowned celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain are unavoidable. It is difficult to go anywhere without hearing some theory or news coverage of their deaths by suicide and the loss of a loved one […]

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Anxiety Treatments in Houston

Getting the Most of Your Therapy

Trained counselors provide anxiety treatments for our clients in Houston; they offer strategies that deal with life-long skills for combating anxiety-related issues. These skills are built to help our clients alleviate negative expectations that can further their anxiety-ridden perspectives. Here are our top 4 strategies to help you get the most out of your anxiety […]

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Treatment Goals for Grief

3 Essential Treatment Goals for Grief

During the mourning period after the loss of a loved one, grief is an extreme emotion that is difficult to overcome. As such, many individuals experiencing the pains of bereavement may seek professional assistance to manage the physical, mental, and emotional distress they may have after a loss. When it comes to the Grief Recovery […]

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Counseling Center of Houston

What Does Individual Therapy Treat at the Counseling Center

Therapy sessions at the counseling center of Houston come in many forms. There are couple’s therapy, group therapy, family therapy, as well as individual therapy. From there, these different settings for treatment are broken down even further depending on the styles and experiences of the counselors. The type of therapy and parameters for the sessions […]

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Grief and Depression

Grief and Depression from Loss of Identity

Grief and depression from the loss of a loved are often linked to the loss of a sense of identity. While grieving from losing a significant other or someone in your immediate family is to be expected, there are actually further repercussions in the grief journey that most of our clients at the Grief Recovery […]

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Grief Eating

Grief Eating Alternatives

In the last post, we chatted about grief eating after a loss and why we tend to overeat while we are grieving. We looked at some of the challenges caused by comfort eating and how we can rationalize our grief eating. We also touched base as to the consequences of grief eating and how detrimental […]

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