12 Blog Posts to Help You Navigate Winter Highs & Lows

Asma Rehman, LPC
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Are you ready for winter?

Now that we’ve gotten Thanksgiving under our belts, it seems as though the winter holiday season has truly begun. And Parts of that are wonderful! It’s great to make time for gathering with loved ones and to reflect on the past year and start to look toward the year ahead. But there is also a lot to navigate emotionally around this time–not just because of the holidays and everything they bring, but because winter itself can be a difficult time simply because of the changing conditions.

Seasonal affective disorder, for example, is something we should make space to talk about as the short, dark days start affecting more and more of us. More colloquially known as seasonal depression, seasonal affective disorder occurs when the shorter and darker days of winter lead to depleted energy, increased isolation and other common symptoms of depression.

a white woman sipping from a mug in front of her window

You can find further resources on managing seasonal affective disorder here:

The holidays can also bring up tough emotions around family–while it’s supposed to be a time of love and togetherness, many people don’t have a simple relationship with their immediate family, let alone their extended family. And whether it’s conflicting political beliefs, personal wounds within the relationships, or an unsteady foundation between you and other family members, figuring out how to show up around family this season can be hard.

Here’s our recommendations on How to Deal with a Toxic Family Member to help get you through it.

Grief can feel especially poignant around the winter holidays. Since so much of the season is focused on spending time with loved ones and expressing your love for others, loss can feel fresh even when it’s not. It could be the first time getting through the holidays without someone or the fiftieth time, and each time can present new challenges. a woman moving in falling snow

Explore our tools to manage grief around the holiday season here:

And of course, the winter holiday season is often a time of great stress. Prepping for family gatherings, trying to fit every party in, making sure gifts are bought & sent and delivered, baking cookies with loved ones, continuing family and friend traditions, all while getting ready for the new year. While it’s a time of love and cheer, it can also be a time of great stress.

Here are our top 3 resources on holiday season stress & self care:

If you’re struggling this holiday season, please contact our licensed therapists at the Grief Recovery Center in Houston, TX for help today.

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